Monopoly Board Dimensions: Size of Monopoly Board, Money Monopoly Board Dimensions: Size of Monopoly Board, Money Printable Monopoly Game Pdf - Fill Out and Sign Printable Printable Monopoly Game Pdf - Fill Out and Sign Printable Best Monopoly Property Cards Template Netwise Template.Back to the start! Every player must immediately move to Go! and collect $200.Included are the following templates: -Monopoly Board (PDF and PNG format so you can print it out in any size you like) -Property Cards. It’s your lucky day! You may purchase any unowned property for half price. Best Monopoly Property Cards Template Samples. Printable Monopoly Chance and Community Chest cards can add a fun element to your game by allowing you to create your own cards with whatever you want. Whether you’re making your own Monopoly game board or just want to spice up your existing game, I hope that you have a lot of fun with these Chance and Community Chest templates. If you are making your own board, be sure to take a look at my guide ‘ How To Make Your Own Monopoly Game‘ for lots of useful info and advice.